Thursday, June 30, 2005


Today's harvest: arugula, too-damn-much mizuna, chives, snow peas, chickweed, our first round zucchini! and a borage blossom.


yoko said...

there's lots of fresh, green veggies in store for you! :)

totally jealous of your arugula harvest. i'll have to plant mine soon! perhaps this weekend, it's a long weekend!

what do you do with your mizuna? never really cared too much for it myself. i only seem to eat it about once or twice a year. i think i need more green veggie intake.

Satrina said...

Funny you mention about not caring for mizuna... I'm going nuts trying to figure out what to do with it all! It sounded good in the seed catalog four years ago, but the taste is almost too grassy for me.

So far, I've been adding it to salads and chopping it into Top Ramen :-D It might be good sauteed and used to fill an omelet... or maybe in stir-fry? I had no idea it would be so productive... two plants probably would have been plenty, and I have six-- doh!

Anonymous said...


Komtec here! You've got a great harvest! Check out all that mizuna! We we were here to take some off your hands! Happy Birthday too!

From J,K and M

Satrina said...

Hi, J, K, & M! Believe it or not, I jinxed myself with this post-- over the past week I've gone down to just two mizuna plants, and I don't know what happened to them. But in a couple of weeks you will be welcome to raid my squash and tomato patches :-)