Early Girl tomatoes
It's been a little over a month since I planted my seedlings, but it seems like it's been so much longer! Checking on the plants day-by-day (and sometimes hour-by-hour), I somehow failed to notice how vigorously everything was growing. Oh, sure, I knew the mizuna and arugula were out of hand, but when did the cabbages start to overtake the snow peas? And what about the zucchini that were barely the size of a rubber Hi-Bounce ball last week? When did they start to look like real zucchini? The Early Girl tomato has started fruiting and has already exceeded the height of its cage-- and its neighboring Brandywine and Roma plants are beginning to flower as well.
The squash bed, with round zucchini, pattypan squash, jalapenos, eggplant, nasturtiums, and marigolds.
I've also discovered proof that my double-dug beds make for happier plants... a stray nasturtium seed sprouted in the path, but came up all small and sad and runty, while its brothers in the beds are flourishing.
Elsewhere in the garden, the pattypans have just sprouted a first female flower, the dahlias in the cutting garden are starting to form buds, and the lavatera that F transplanted last fall is taller than I am!
We also harvested cherries from our two giant cherry trees this past week. The robins got most of them, and the pickings were slim to begin with since the trees haven't been pruned in ages. But all told, we netted about half a colander's worth of tart little pie cherries... none of which survived to be made into pies ;-)
I'm so optimistic at the moment that I've started to decorate the garden. R, speaking of wedding anniversaries, do you remember this windchime? It hung on my balcony in Italy while we were there, but I hadn't found a place for it here... now it hangs from a cherry branch that shades the vegetable garden.
And can a garden with gay gnomes be anything but exuberantly happy?
I started to comment, but I couldn't think of anything G-rated...so I'll just keep quiet today! LOL!
your garden is thriving! i'm so jealous. out of my herbs, everything is doing quite nicely, and i've still to plant the arugula that you sent. i wanted to find a place that i could keep it shady before i went ahead and planted them.
the best thing though, are the sunflowers. i'll have to take a picture of them and post it. i've taken some with the SLR, but being slow on getting the film developed holds up the whole posting process.
looks like you'll have lots to harvest (and save some $ on fresh veggies!) and will soon reap the benefits of all your hard work. great pics of the garden, BTW!
You know I'm right there with you R!
Gay gnomes aside, everything else looks awesome T!!
Oh, am I the "R" you are referring to when you mentioned the windchimes? I'm embarrassed to say they don't look familiar to me, so I apologize if they should! Sorry!!!
Our best man P's girlfriend L gave us the gay gnomes, along with a little garden fairy that is perched in our living room at the moment. I just couldn't help pointing them out... they make me laugh!
Don't worry about the windchime, R! I think you gave it to us around the time we (both!) got married. I'm just excited to have found such a perfect place for it :-)
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