Every packet of green bean seeds I've seen has been labeled "easy to grow," but let me tell you... I fought darn hard for the scant number of plants that are out there. I've never planted beans before, so maybe it was my experience level that was to blame. Maybe I planted too early. Maybe I should have planted on the sunny side or the berm. Maybe they just didn't get enough water. But... long story short, I had to replant these beans FIVE TIMES, and I still have a bald spot in the row.
On the bright side, the plants look productive-- I can hardly believe such a tiny little plant is capable of bearing so many pods! The variety I planted was 'Delinel,' a French bush bean. It has delicate little pink flowers and only grows 24 inches high. Every day, I pass a neighbor's garden, where he is growing seven-foot high pole beans covered with large yellow-and-white flowers. It's hard to believe that both plants are working toward a similar end product.
In other news, over at Flickr, you can see photos of the latest dahlia to bloom in the flowerbed and a couple of my cutest co-workers.
awwwwwww....those bunnies are so cute! :) i'm also digging all your dahlia pics (i am getting ready to send my set)! love that flickr thing you've got going on in your sidebar!
i'm glad to hear that the beans have finally made some progress!
(btw, i'm so happy that you're in! you should have seen DH's face when i said "significant others optional!")
Aw, poor R. Actually, poor F, too... LOL! But yay! it's great to have something to look forward to! :-D
Optional???? Oh, are we still telling them they are optional????? I thought it was GIRLS take over Vegas...not GIRLS (and optional partners) take over Vegas???? There won't be room for them in the limo with us four and the winner of the "Mr. Nude Italian 2009" pageant!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Love those bunnies! I don't really have any coworkers...so they get my vote! he he They look so soft!
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