Thursday, April 17, 2008

It wasn't too late, after all

Daffodil 'Grand Soleil d'Or'

Another bulb update: all of those fall-planted bulbs that I forgot about until after frost hit last year have definitely made it through. The daffodils are gorgeous-- having gone through something like 150 bulbs last fall, I still finding myself wishing I'd planted more. The alliums are up to eighteen inches, and the crown imperials, having just broken ground last week, are already vying to catch up to them in height.

The only slight disappointment has been the Snake's Head Fritillaries (Fritillaria meleagris)-- it looks like a few of them aren't going to sprout. I'll probably want to move them around at the end of the season, after they've bloomed. I'm still really looking forward to flowers from the plants that made it-- we saw some in bloom at the tulip festival (in a sunnier bed) and it made me even more anxious to see them in my own garden.

Besides the new additions, previous years' plantings have reappeared, notably Tulipa greigii 'Toronto,' one of my favorites. 'Salome,' one of the first daffodils I planted, has mostly disappeared except for one persistent bulb that has been the only one to pop up for the last two years running.

The cherry tree looks as if it will bloom this week, coinciding, as usual, with the beginning of rhubarb season. This weekend is my usual planting-out date, but the seedlings in the sun room aren't quite ready for prime time, having been started later than usual.

Not too late, though. Anyway, this has been another fairly late spring (like last year), so it will all even out in the end.*

* - "Eventually, I believe, everything evens out. Long ago an asteroid hit our planet and killed our dinosaurs. But in the future, maybe we'll go to another planet and kill their dinosaurs." --Jack Handey